Jason Rivera Peinado, Vancouver, Washington

Jason Rivera Peinado from Gresham, Oregon, passed away recently at the age of 18. He was struck by a semi-truck while walking on Highway 205 in Clark County, Washington. The driver of the truck, Martin Gorton from Vancouver, emerged unharmed, with charges pending against him

NameJason Rivera Peinado
City LocationVancouver, Washington
Passing Daterecently
Age at Passing18
Injured, transported to hospital for medical attentionCondition

Source: About Jason Rivera Peinado

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  1. Im a friend of Jason Rivera Peinado, I have been constantly checking articles and how bad the situation really was and if he will be okay, I have just checked today and have seen this article l, I’ve been praying for him and his family please can I have more information that can be haven out, this can’t be true that he’s dead at 18, I just spoke with him last week, I pray for his loved ones and Jason himself he was such a blessing and sweet kid, he didn’t deserve this at this young age… I can’t wrap my head around if he is actually pronounced dead, there is just not much information, please get back to me with any information you can provide.

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